Lets Go Deeper...

Lets go deeper

Hello and welcome to the online Bible study; Walking Deeper Through the Bible. This is a study open for anyone who wants to join and read along as we do a daily Bible reading that will take us through the entire Bible over the next 52 weeks. The purpose is to go deeper into the Word of God by reading our way through the entire Bible and holding open discussions about what we have read, posing questions and hearing insight derived from others. As we go, the weekly readings will be listed on the blog as well as links to online sites where you can not only read the Bible but also provide resource tools you may want to use for additional study. There will also be a link posted to go directly to the site providing the reading plan, itself. Each day, after reading the assigned verses, comments are posted and shared with the rest of the members and all are welcome to participate in discussions of the days readings.
Christiananswers.net is the website we will be using for the daily reading plan that will be followed. You can explore this site, yourself at-http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/biblereading-1yr.html

All who join are encouraged to take part in the discussions on the daily readings, hearing other people's points of view is a great way for our own perspective to grow. However, this is not a format for the debate of basic theological principals and beliefs or religious views or differences. Any comments that are not conducive to the object and purpose of this blog will be removed.

Other sites you may want to check out are:
http://www.audio-bible.com/bible/bible.html- This site has different Bible versions and look up tools.
http://net.bible.org/home.php- This site also provides many Bible versions and study tools.

In order to give adequate time for people to join and because the plan runs on a seven day schedule beginning on Monday, this study will officially begin on Monday, January 17th, 2011.

Week One: Jan 17-23

One Year Bible Reading Plan

The Law History Psalms Poetry Prophecy Gospels Epistles
Week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
1 Gen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gen 1-3

Well, hello and welcome to the first day of our walk through the Bible. As we go through today's reading, we see how God brought everything into existence, the beginning of Adam and Eve's life as well as their fall from grace and expulsion from the Garden.

Every time I re-read these chapters it never ceases to amaze me how great the task that He accomplished in a mere six days! I must say, too, that I am very impressed so far with this Bible site and the way it has topics and questions posed down the side of the readings that you can explore into different verses even further. Great way to really broaden your understanding of the scripture.

I used to be kind of angry with Eve, lol, thought I would like to meet her in Heaven some day and give her a piece of my mind. Funny how my own spiritual growth has changed my perception of her actions. I see now, however, she was merely human and I sometimes wonder how she must have suffered with her own misery for what she had done. Women tend to hang on to their guilt and shame even when we know that God has forgiven us, our sense of regret can run very deep.

I do find it so interesting to see both Adam's and Eve's behavior surrounding the fall. There they were  in the Garden of Eden, enjoying direct fellowship with God, no worries, no troubles of any kind and then they make this mistake. They disobey and when questioned by God about it, their responses to the whole situation is really no different than what we often see ourselves doing today! Adam blamed Eve and even insinuated that God might share in the blame because He was the one who gave her to Adam. Then Eve blamed the serpent, neither of them actually stood and allowed themselves to be accountable for their actions. This is something that is running rampant in today's society, in fact, it may be the single most biggest thing that is wrong with the world today, as far as behavior goes. Everywhere you look, someone is blaming someone or something else for why they act the way they do or did. It leaves no room for being accountable for our own actions if everything we do is always someone else's fault.

I don't believe God expects us to be perfect, obviously, but I believe He does wants us to own our mistakes and behavior more. I believe the whole story of what happened in the Garden gives us a great lesson in that. When I mentioned, earlier, how I used to be kind of mad at Eve, part of my spiritual growth was in how God showed me that what I was doing was in fact the very thing I was angry with her for! I was only angry with her because I am a sinner and basically blamed all my mistakes on her actions. Ridiculous, right? The whole notion seemed pretty silly when I really saw it for what it was. So I repented and with a sincere heart prayed for a better attitude for my own actions and accepted God's forgiveness, then I put on that same attitude of forgiveness and re-read those chapters only to discover Eve in a whole new light. Now, I try to always be accountable for my own actions and behaviors, although, if I am to be brutally honest...sometimes it is very difficult not to rage against the behavior or actions of another, spewing blame onto them for what they made me do; and there are times when I need a reminder (which God is quick to do), after the fact.

So that's my take on the first 3 chapters of Genesis, what's yours?

Please feel free to share your thoughts on today's reading by clicking on the word "comment" below.

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